David Tombs Photography


See what our clients say below

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A lovely little boy
A real lad
" We are so delighted with our big family print and all the photos, just stunning, it's just so him".
"It is so hard to choose the ones we want, I wish we could have them all".
"My mother loves them and we will be ordering more for her".
"Thank you so much David".
An award winner
A craftsman at work
" David these are so good we love them it is so him in that hat".
" We couldn't believe that one of his photos won an award, well done you".
"If we could we would have all of them they are so good, thank you".
"We will love these for ever, thank you again".

Stunning image of the little chap
A very grand lad
"Love the photos, David, thank you they are really great."